I’ll write 10 minutes a day and take a crazy SP with Tintype:) Today that is what I will do. I will literally begin by putting 10 minutes on the timer. It’s a lot like the Artist Way and morning pages, only I’m using my keyboard and just getting random thoughts out. Today I don’t think I have a topic. Just getting words out and that’s what writing looks like sometimes. Just getting those thoughts out of my head. They like to torture me and especially at night. The thoughts. They mostly are not very kind. I wonder why? Why can’t I flip a switch and turn those mean words into kind ones. I speak kindly to most everyone else. Why would I treat myself so differently? It’s a good idea to take my own advice don’t you think? Don’t even go back to re-read what you have written so far. Just WRITE. Nourish your passions! That’s what it said to do. She told me to do it too. How will I ever become better if I don’t spend time doing what I love? I wish I loved to paint magnificent paintings, I wish I loved to run, I wish I loved to heal people, I wish I loved to make delicious meals to share with friends, I wish I was a natural entertainer, I wish I was more loud, I wish I could walk on my hands….WHAT? Yes, I spend so much time wishing I was all these other things that I miss what is directly under my nose. Does that happen to you? What kind of book would I write anyways? Really what do I even have to talk about? Battle, battle, battle. Type words. Delete words. Who wants to read my words? These are the battles that live inside my head. All These words that dance in a big gigantic mosh pit in my head. My head hurts. 50 seconds left and I already did so much writing and deleting and arguing with myself. Yes, this is what writing looks like sometimes when you have not taken time to sit quietly and do what you love… just WRITE. Rusty..and that’s TIME.
No going back to manage my words. Gigantic mosh pits is silly, I wanted to change that. This is what 10 minutes looks like.