You will not believe this but I'm writing today on Thursday July 26th and setting this up to post for Monday July 30th. I'm setting this to post while I will be away on another road trip. Just call me road trip queen! There is so much to see here in our beautiful United States of America. I was recently blessed with a passport by a lovely, giving sweet soul. One of her many mottos is "every girl needs a passport" I think she is right about that. I know I have adventures in my future that might be abroad but for now, I'm enjoying my homeland. We are so blessed to live very near the ocean, the mountains and the desert. We joke about how one day we should try and hit all the things around us in one day because truth be told, it's completely possible to cover all those different climates and terrains from where we call our home.
We seem to visit the ocean and beach more than the desert and mountains, it's also the closest of the 3. We grew up here in Southern California and I wasn't familiar with Seal Beach until our next door neighbor took us there one evening. We quickly realized it's the quickest beach to get to from our house and it's a sleepy beach compared to Huntington which is crazy insane populated filled with hip kids. I would rather go to the quiet windy beach that has sting ray warnings and lots of ship activity because it neighbors with Long Beach. We go to watch the sunset. We have watched such beautiful sunsets sitting on the sands of Seal Beach.
I think it has a mindful quality because when we go we often sit quietly and just listen to the surf and watch the sun softly drift away from us while it's on it's way to the other side or our planet. The image I share is of one of those days. This is Abbie's friend and she was so excited when the wave crashed against the jetty that she threw her hands in the air and kicked up her foot! I didn't get her other hand in the frame because this image was snapped so quickly as the moment was quick but I still LOVE the authentic good feeling this image portrays. I wonder what my friend Christina is up to? You can see at 22 LIMES, I'm so curious too! I'm excited to take my camera on another road trip adventure. See ya next Monday.