This is NYLA she is a confident and curious girl. She stands up to big dogs and believes in herself. She belongs to our littlest and only girl. I think she and her cat are a lot alike. I love that. I tend to take most of my photographs for Monday posts on Sundays. Yesterday afternoon I noticed NYLA chillin in our old wicker chair. All one needs to do is start talking to her and she peps right up and starts trying to get a little chin tickle or nice rub down. She isn't fearful of people and she is a pretty social gal. I laid on my belly on the cement below her just clicking away on manual. I was pleasantly surprised that I captured her yawns and cute little teeth on manual and they came out clear! (below) But back to above. I mean look at that confident stare. She means business. I want to channel NYLA and ABBIE confidence. Those two are fierce together.
Are you a cat person, a dog person or neither? It's a difficult call. We have both. Max is such a loyal, regal and well behaved dog and little Pablo R.I.P. was such a steadfast little guy. Always at my side. But there is something really special about cats. If I just had to choose, a cat would win. I've had cats since before I was old enough to walk. Cats have always been there in my life. I love how they are survivors, how they do things on their own terms. I love the detail my camera was able to capture Sunday with NYLA her little crazy teeth, her long whiskers, her rough little tongue, her green cat eyes! I think she is like a cat princess. Garfunkel is gorgeous too but he wasn't around Sunday afternoon for the feline photo shoot. I'm 100% certain Christina didn't capture kitties. Maybe precious babies or epic hikes, I'm so curious to see! Visit her mindful eye at 22 LIMES.