I just got back from a 9 day road trip. We began in Yorba Linda California, we traveled through Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Idaho again, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and back to California. It was myself, littlest and only girl, a childhood girlfriend and her two boys. We saw some spectacular landscape. We visited with amazing human beings who fed us and gave us a place to sleep at night. It made our road trip very economic and reasonable. The cost for gas in other states is far less than good old California and my friends car got really great gas milage. It was an epic trip and we created some lasting memories. This blog project is about being mindful and my most mindful day on the road trip was when my friend scheduled an hour and a half massage and I took the kids and toured the small town of Sandpoint Idaho.
I love to visit with people but because I'm an introvert I love my alone time. Although I had a small handful of teenagers with me for parts of the time it was a very fulfilling thing I did to feed my soul. My friend needed the massage and I NEEDED the wandering around time plus I have a big heart for teen kids.
I wandered the small town and took pictures of store fronts, adorable houses, walls, coffee spots and signs and I felt completely fulfilled and my spirit was lifted. I could have spent far more time than 90 minutes just wondering the sidewalks by foot but it was my little piece of time to be mindful and quiet and walk the town with intention. In fact I will probably share a post just on the unique homes in Sandpoint Idaho this week if I have some time. I will also be sharing some of our road trip here or there and the sights we took in. This was my favorite though, stumbling on art alley and being near things that I can relate with. I'm looking forward to seeing what Christina has to share for Monday and what her mindful eye saw. You can see her post HERE AT 22 LIMES.